There are some c programs for data structure
1. Write a program in c to implement the stack using array . 2
2. Write a program in c to implement the stack using structure. 5
3. Write a C program to evaluate the postfix expression. 9
4. Write a program to convert an infix expression into postfix expression. 12
5. Write a program to convert infix expression into prefix expression. 15
Recursion: 19
6. Write a program to find the factorial of number using recursive method. 19
7. Write a program to multiply two numbers by recursive method. 20
8. Write a program to find the number one exponent to other(ab) using recursion 20
9. Write a program to slove the tower of Hanoi problem using recursion. 21
Queue 22
10. Write a program in C to implement the queue using structure. 22
11. Write a program in C to implement the queue using array. 26
Circular queue 30
12. Write a program in C to implement the circular queue. 30
13. Write a program to implement the ascending order priority queue. 34
Contiguous list 34
14. Write a program to implement the contiguous linked list. 34
15. Write a program to show implementation of linked list. 37
16. Write a program to show linked implementation of stack. 43
17. Write a program to show the linked implementation of queue. 47
Searching 52
18. Write a program to sequential search the item. 52
19. Write a program to implement the binary search. 53
Tree 54
20. Write a program to implement the binary tree. 54
Sorting 59
21. Write a program to sort the item using selection sort. 59
22. Write a program to sort the item using bubble sort. 61
23. Write a program to sort the item using quick sort. 62
24. Write a program to sort the item using merge sort. 64
25. Write a program to sort the item using insertion sort. 67
26. Write a program to sort an item using heap sort. 68
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